Please visit our Facebook page for the most updated list of prices.

Ear cleaning

Includes antibacterial disinfection drops 

Nail clipping and paw care

Paw care includes a shave and trim between the paw pads to help with grip on floors such as tile. This can prevent hip issues later in life, so it's great to avoid expensive vet bills! A Buddycare Balm will be applied for hydration and a little massage as a treat for your dog.


Hand-stripping is used for some wire or rough-coated breeds to maintain the proper coat texture and colour. It involves plucking ( or pulling ) the outer dead coat by hand or with a specialised tool instead of scissors or clippers, encouraging beautiful new, crisp growth.

Bath & Brush

Bath & Brush includes:

Bath, double shampoo, blow dry with conditioning treatment and full coat comb out

Pamper Morning

Does your pooch need a morning of pampering? Why not treat them to a super relaxing session while you are at work or take having a morning break yourself! Pooch is treated to a walk, Wash & Fluff, facial, lunch, nap and playtime.

Full Groom - Large Dog

The Full Groom includes:

Blow dry 
Full Coat comb out
Hygiene Clip
Custom pet trim (your preference)
Gentle Ear cleaning
Nail Clipping

Full Groom - Medium Dog

The Full Groom includes:

Blow dry 
Full Coat comb out
Hygiene Clip
Custom pet trim (your preference)
Gentle Ear cleaning
Nail Clipping

Full Groom - Small Dog

The Full Groom includes:

Blow dry
Full Coat comb out
Hygiene Clip
Custom pet trim (your preference)
Gentle Ear cleaning
Nail Clipping

Puppy Package

Introduce your new puppy to the grooming process slowly and gently to help build their confidence.

Puppy Grooming School takes 3-5 visits depending on your dog's confidence & behaviour.

Mini Groom

Relaxing bath and massage, shampoo, blow dry, removal of mats, hygiene clip, paw pads cleared & feet tidied, gentle ear cleaning and nail clipping.